
Videos and slides of the lectures and conference presentations.

All the videos of the lectures and conference presentations (except for Tuesday, October 1st, 2024) can be found in the Institut Henri Poincaré YouTube channel: Videos

All the slides of the lectures and conference presentations can be found following this link: Slides

Energy transition is currently a major challenge. It raises political, scial and technical issues that include: understanding possible future energy systems, building prospective, adressing political and social questions, intermittency mitigation, grid management, infrastructure investment, uncertainties due to the supply of critical raw materials, environmental and trade policies, and so on. These challenges are associated with increased complexity in terms of modeling and simulation, raising new methodological and mathematical questions. The aim of these school and workshop is to raise mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists awareness of the new research topics brought about by the energy transition. Conversely, it will also be the perfect place for researchers focusing on the energy transition to set out the challenges they face in terms of mathematical approaches and tools.

The meeting will take from September 30, 2024 to October 4, 2024 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris in the amphiteatre Hermite. During the first three days, a school will provide an overview of mathematical and theoretical tools related to the physical and socio-economic modeling of energy systems. It will also link these tools to research issues on major prospective questions for energy transitions. We expect a large audience of researchers, specialists of the subjects, and of colleagues which are not specialists of the subject, for instance coming from theoretical sciences (mathematics, physics, computer sciences, machine learning) interested in learning the basic aspects of the subject. During the last two days, a research workshop will follow. The workshop will address contemporary research in the physical and socio-economic modeling of the energy systems and related resources issues. When relevant, it will focus on mathematical and theoretical tools which are useful for this modeling.

The meeting is sponsored by the GDR Défis théoriques pour le climat funded by CNRS, and the Institut des Mathématiques pour la Planète Terre (IMPT).  

Registration to both events is free but mandatory.

Participants can apply for giving short contributed talks.

If you are interested to follow the lectures or the workshop online, please register to the meeting. We will then send you visioconference information before the start of the meetings. 

Registration to both events is possible until September 28, 2024. It is no more possible to propose contributed taks. In case we reach the capacity limits for the number of participants before the deadline, participants will be accepted based on their registration date. Registration for online participation will be opened up to the last day before the meeting.


School Energy, mathematics and theoretical challenges (Sept. 30-Oct 2 2024)

The school will provide an overview of mathematical and theoretical tools related to the physical and socio-economic modeling of energy systems. As this event is organized with the French GDR initiative, the lectures will be given in French. 

School lecturers and program:

  • Laurent Dubus et Philippe Drobinski : Introduction à la transition énergétique et ses relations avec le climat.
  • Anna Creti et René Aid : Modélisation économique du système énergétique
  • Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet et Rémy Doudard : Modélisations intégrées du système énergétique
  • Nadia Maïzi : Modélisation bottom-up du système énergétique
  • Jean Marc Janin : Présentation du modèle ANTARES
  • Riwal Plougonven : Prévisions pour le système énergétique
  • Laurent Dubus, Bastien Cozian, Corentin Herbert et Amaury Lancelin : Extrêmes et système énergétique


The workshop will address contemporary research in the physical and socio-economic modeling of the energy systems and related resources issues. The workshop will be held in english. The list of speakers is:

  • Marc Bocquet
  • Freddy Bouchet (ENS/PSL and CNRS) (in replacement of Yoann Robin) 
  • Anna Creti (Université Paris-Dauphine)
  • Sylvain Cros 
  • Daniel Crow (IEA)
  • George Kariniotakis
  • Philippe Quirion (CIRED)
  • Olivier Vidal (Université Grenoble-Alpes)
  • Frédéric Wurtz
  • Olivier David Zerbib
  • Benteng Zou

Scientific Committee

Freddy Bouchet - CNRS, LMD et IPSL, ENS/PSL 

Anna Creti - Université Paris-Dauphine

Philippe Drobinski - CNRS, LMD, Ecole Polytechnique

Laurent Dubus - RTE

Quentin Hoarau - Université Paris-Nanterre

Aude Pommeret - Université Savoie-Mont-Blanc  

Philippe Quirion - CNRS, CIRED

Alexis Tantet - LMD, Ecole Polytechnique




Freddy Bouchet - CNRS, LMD et IPSL, ENS/PSL 

Quentin Hoarau - Université Paris-Nanterre

Amaury Lancelin - LMD et IPSL, ENS/PSL, RTE

Aude Pommeret - Université Savoie Mont Blanc 




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